In Revelation 7, John shares his vision of heaven with members from every tribe, tongue, people and language standing in the throne room before the Lamb.
Yet today there are still over 7,000 unreached people groups around the world.
For the last six years, my family and friends have been on a journey to find, vet and fund the task remaining.
Come journey with us to the ends of the earth as we share the supernatural stories of God at work through the men and women he has called to reach the UNREACHED.
Stories From The Field: Looking Back on Season 1 of UNREACHED
Have you ever stood in awe of the resilience and faith of those dedicated to spreading the Gospel in the world's most remote and challenging regions? This year, we’re back to share the extraordinary tales of those serving on the front lines of faith. As our UNREACHED PODCAST Producer Clint and I reflect on our previous encounters, we highlight the stirring dedication of missionaries like Jack Crabtree and Kirby Holmes, who prove that language barriers and warzones are no match for the universal power of God’s word. Their stories resonate with a deep commitment that inspires us to re-evaluate our own life missions.
During our conversations, we're left speechless by the incredible accounts of spiritual dreams occurring in the Middle East, a phenomenon that guest John Samara helps us explore. Imagine the profound impact of a young lady's testimony about a man in white guiding survivors through the rubble of an earthquake, or the intense curiosity sparked by the question, "Are you people of the Messiah?" These narratives not only bring us closer to understanding the omnipresence of divine encounters but also challenge us to open our hearts to the unexpected ways God communicates his love and direction.
Journey with us this season as we traverse the globe, from South Sudan to the mountains of Papua New Guinea, bringing you stories of God's kingdom expanding through the voices and prayers of those called to serve. Your role in this mission is invaluable, and we're eager for you to connect with these narratives – to find inspiration, be moved to prayer, or discover ways to engage directly with the cause. Let's stand together in faith, emboldened by the testimonies of those reaching every corner of the earth with the message of hope.
Follow @unreachedpodcast on Instagram for more!
In Revelation 7, john shares his vision of heaven with members from every tribe, tongue, people and language standing in the throne room before the Lamb. Yet today there are still over 7,000 unreached people groups around the world. For the last six years, my family and friends have been on a journey to find, vet and fund the task remaining. Come journey with us to the ends of the earth as we share the supernatural stories of God at work through the men and women he has called to reach the unreached. Hello friends, welcome, new and old, to season two of the Unreach podcast. Dustin Elliott and Clint Hudson here your hosts.
Speaker 1:We wanted to kick off 2024, a new year. Looking back right, so the windshield is a lot bigger than the rear view mirror. We know that, but where have we been before we talk about where we're going? So, clinton, I wanted to kind of recap a top 10, if you will, from season one. It's kind of crazy to think we got started on this in July of last year. Crazy, and here we sit. But let's talk about how it all got started and maybe some of our favorite moments of the year. Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:I think, as we're looking back to 2023 and looking at four to 2024, dustin and I wanted to take a moment just to invite you on this journey with us. This has been an incredible journey for us that we've seen God move. We've traveled around literally around the globe to so many different continents. How many different continents do you think we've hit in season one? Probably four, yeah, I mean, god gotta be. And there's so many more stories that we're going to tell over this next, you know the next couple of months, but I think it'd be great for us, just here, right at the very beginning, just some, the compelling thing that God's done in us for us to be able to share with you, our listeners, why it is that we're doing this, to begin with.
Speaker 1:So if you've never heard the Unreach podcast before, let's just let's just start there. Several years ago, some friends of ours at church started a nonprofit called the Bless Foundation, and the purpose of Bless was to mobilize people and resources to reach the unreached. After taking perspectives classes, we learned about this massive allocation of resource problem in the task remaining with the Christian church, and what I mean by that is about one cent of every dollar that's given through the Christian church goes to unreached people groups. So, all else being equal, if somebody is hungry or sick or in need of aid in a people group or a part of the world where Jesus has been named and there is a church and there is a Bible in their heart language, et cetera, and they have access to the gospel, they have access to living water, they have access to eternal hope, and that same person with the same situation is in a part of the world where there is no church and there is not yet a Bible in their heart language and there is no access to someone who knows the Lord. What we're trying to accomplish, based on the Great Commission, based on what Jesus told us or commanded us to do, is to get the gospel where it's not right. So, as we've said, 17,000 people groups on earth, 10,000 are reached, 7,000 are unreached, meaning there's less than 2% of that people group that is Christian, and there's still 700 totally unengaged, meaning no one has named Jesus in that people group yet, period. And so with the resources and all that we have in our disposal technology today, smartphones, internet, star links, all the things right Now we're able to get it where it's not more effectively, more efficiently, and that's what we're about. So years we've been running a fund of sorts with Blessworld, if you want to check it out online and that fund is basically adopting unreached people groups, if you will, almost like you might adopt a child in Africa or some other nation and supporting them through school, but we're supporting an entire people group through the process of becoming within reach. So that means that missionaries are going, they're learning the language, they're learning the culture, they're earning the right to speak into the deepest parts of these people's lives and then share the gospel with them and then start to have new believers, if that is God's will, and then those new believers start to make disciples of others as well and then eventually, prayerfully, a church is planted and then that church is eventually prayerfully led by the indigenous local people, and so that's the goal. We call that the within reach scale that's on the website as well kind of a one to 10 step process, and we want to commit to the sending organizations and the churches that are putting missionaries on the ground to do the work. We want to commit to them to helping with additional and supplemental funding each year to finish the task remaining Okay. So that's the basis.
Speaker 1:And then Clint and I are talking last summer and I'm like you know the stories of what God's doing around the world in these people groups. Nobody gets to hear them. No pastor has time to tell them on Sunday morning. We don't gather typically in other ways. How can we tell these stories? And I was actually having that conversation with my wife the day before I was having that conversation with Clint. My wife said do a podcast. And I was like I don't know how to do a podcast. So then I talked to Clint the next day and Clint's like I teach podcast classes. I actually do know how to do a podcast. We have a studio at the church. Let's do a podcast.
Speaker 2:So here we are here we are, and this is I've been in ministry for 20 years like listening to these stories. Hearing these stories has absolutely changed the way that I view not only missions but just ministry in general, so that was something that was really compelling for me during season one, that I learned after 20 years in ministry. You explain the difference between biblical ministry and biblical mission. Hit that again just really quick.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so the way we've learned the difference would be.
Speaker 1:Biblical ministry would be like a short term type of a project, which is what we initially were funding with bless, so maybe a one to three year project in a people group where maybe a natural disaster has occurred and you're going in and rebuilding, for an example, right, and so you're going to bring building supplies, medical aid, humanitarian aid, et cetera, and oh, by the way, we're going to partner with Christ centered, christian backed organizations and so we're going to bridge the gospel to them, so they're going to encounter Jesus through the workers that are there.
Speaker 1:And that's good, that's very good. But biblical missions what we would define that, as is the long term commitment to the people group, that we're going to stay here and we're going to walk with you until we get the Bible translated in your heart language where you can read it and you can encounter Jesus and you can have a personal relationship with him and plant a healthy, indigenous, led, disciple making church, which means that the missionaries go from the pulpit to the pews, to out of town, right, where it's rocking and rolling on its own, it's evolving and planting other churches in the tribes or the people groups around them right. So that's the difference between what we would call biblical ministry and biblical missions.
Speaker 2:All right now let me just kind of join with you, our listener, just for a second Again. I'm a pastor, 20 years in ministry. I had never heard that concept before. Missions to me was essentially boiled down to what we're calling now biblical ministry. That's what I had experienced with mission. Not only was I exposed to, through this podcast, the real definition of biblical missions and what it meant to go into an indigenous people group and equip them to equip their own people.
Speaker 2:That blew my mind. The other thing that blew my mind this is me just putting myself in your seat, because I'm sure some of you guys feel the same way. I was blown away that there are actual people group in this world that do not have a written language, have never heard the name of Jesus and, obviously, because they don't have a written language, they don't have scripture translated into that language at all. It blew my mind and so for me to hear stories over this past season of men and women who God has called to pack up their families and move into jungles and learn a predominant language and then learn a specific dialect and a local language and spend years building relational equity with these people to be able to communicate the gospel to them so slowly literally years, sometimes decades it takes for these people group to become reached within reach scale. It blew my mind and I think that's probably one of the biggest things that the Lord opened my eyes to in this past year.
Speaker 1:No, absolutely. In fact, when we did the Jack Crabtree episode and Jack and their families from Arkansas that moved to Papua New Guinea and live with the Wantakea, before they could ever translate scripture, they literally had to develop an alphabet, learn their language so well that they could then create an alphabet for them and then teach them to read and write their own language before they could ever translate scripture into their language. That's incredible and I thought, man, that's got to be a one off. But you know what? It's actually estimated that about 30% of the remaining groups to reach do not have a written language. Wow, so that is a reality for a lot of the missionaries that are preparing today and in the field today, there is a need to create alphabets and written languages. That's incredible.
Speaker 2:So let's stay right there. You just referenced Jack Crabtree, so one of the things we want to be able to share with you guys is some of our favorite moments from our past season that we've had before we started looking ahead. Jack Crabtree was pretty much our first episode and unbelievable, unbelievably compelling the story that Dustin just shared about what his family went through to be able to communicate the gospel of these people. Well, after years and years and years of service and some incredible stories and I do want to encourage you, go back and listen to this episode. I think it's called a light in the jungle, right, episode one from season one, august 9th. Yeah, can't miss it.
Speaker 2:Jack had a quote that honestly, just wrecked me as a pastor, as a follower of Christ. It wrecked me, and so he was talking about their first convert in the village of the Wantakea tribe, the very first convert, and they were sitting and having a conversation one night and do you remember his name? I think it was Yados, yados, that's it. So Yados says to Jack. He was pretty much telling thank you, he's like Jack.
Speaker 2:What if, what if you didn't want to leave your comfortable home with your restaurants and your cars and all of the things that you had available to you. What if you didn't want to come and get thorns in your feet walking through the jungle? If you had not done that, we would all just be walking slowly towards hell, thinking that our good works were going to save us. Full wreckage. I mean, I was undone, undone and it made me not only really, really thankful for the way that the Holy Spirit pricked the heart of Jack Crabtree and his family to go and do this, but also just so compelled to let's not only go and share these more stories of all of these heroes of the faith that are going and doing these things, but also like what, what is God asking me to do?
Speaker 1:Yeah, Shout out to Jack and Lael, as well as the Hambrises and the Sanders. Those are the other two families that are there with them. We've had the pleasure of working with that particular ministry and people group since 2018 through bless um, you know, at the leadership of Tabitha and Heath Hale, the co-founders, who we will have on an episode soon and I can't wait. They just got out of a real busy season. We'll talk about light the world in our big December event here shortly, but we've had a great chance to get to know the Crabtrees and all those families and really developing the within reach scale became a reality because of us walking with them through the steps.
Speaker 1:Amazing, right, and Todd, aaron, dr Todd, who was on our first kickoff episode, kind of launch episode who went through the mission of God and we walked through the Bible to set the table for this whole thing. You know, todd was really the guy that took the lead who is also, by the way, a founding board member of bless and took the lead on that and man, that is to contextualize the work and the task remaining in a language that everyday business people can follow, right, that was the challenge and I think I think we did a pretty good job, I think, so it's so compelling.
Speaker 2:Share with us one of the stories that really just stuck out to you. So we talked about the want to keep talking about Jack Crabtree from episode one. What's something else that just really stuck out to you from season one?
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's just kind of go and order a little bit here. You know we talked to Kirby Holmes after Jack and Kirby had been into Ukraine Was it eight, nine times in the year or so at that point that the war had been going on and he had flown from Austin to Poland and snuck in and he was taking resources into the country and buying heaters and water filtration systems and man to hear his heart for that people group to learn, you know, like something like what do you say? 40 or 50% of the pastors in Russia are actually Ukrainian, Right? Right, you know we with BLESS had done a partnership with his organization previously where we funded some work in Ukraine, where we trained Ukrainian pastors to go to people groups Americans or Westerners could not get into. So it's a kind of a bounce it off, a satellite strategy, right? So let's get you equipped. You can go into this country we can't get into this country and you can do some work there, yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, talking about bouncing off a satellite to send to unreached people groups that the American Christian can't get to. That was another big thing that I learned this year, Hearing from multiple different organizations that the missionaries being equipped and sent to these unreached people groups are not exclusively being sent from North America or from the United States. Actually, less of them are being sent from here than that are being sent from other places like Columbia, South America and all of these different places where they have access to be able to take the gospel into these unreached people groups where a Western church wouldn't be able to go and do that.
Speaker 1:No doubt the mission field has become the mission force. Such a good quote. Right, it's a question of what does the average global Christian look like today? It's not a Western American, predominantly Euro kind of Caucasian looking person. It's a 20 year old African woman, right? I mean where the churches grow in the largest, the fastest, where it's really happening, and often it's in the most persecuted parts of the world, predominantly. When we think Christian, our mindset should probably be changing. It should, right, it's a question of what is the location of resources thing. I'm going to say this quote again Americans spend more money on Halloween costumes for their pets than we send to funding unreached people groups. In fact, if you just do the math on what it takes to finish the task remaining, how many groups are left and what it costs per group, and you just take what's sitting inside foundations of denominations of Christian churches or even kind of subsects of like Catholicism and Mormon, et cetera, you're done. Just empty those storehouses, it's done.
Speaker 2:And that's compelling Right.
Speaker 1:So how do you pray that? If you're a praying kind and I hope you are let's soften the hearts of those that are in charge of the massive resources and unload them. It's all God's anyway right.
Speaker 2:There was one moment that really stuck out to me. We had a guest, john Samara, on. The question that we asked him is actually a question that we hear a lot as we're kind of communicating about this podcast, and it's hey, why in like the Middle East and different places like that, why are people seeing visions and dreams and things more than we are here in the United States? And his answer was so quick and so concise, but he said we have 10 apps on our phones that have the Bible. We passed 13 churches between our house and Starbucks that literally we can go into and get access to the gospel. He was like in these other places, the only way they are going to be able to encounter Jesus Christ is if they encounter him themselves. And so so many different visions and dreams. And specifically there was one that I know was so compelling for you and I both. That was just amazing. Just jumped off of like into the headphones for me when he was telling the story Go ahead, no, go ahead. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So he was talking about Turkey and specifically the earthquakes that happened in Turkey. He was talking about the relief efforts and what they were finding as they were going and communicating to people who had pretty much lost everything. So earthquakes happened in Turkey, buildings had fallen down. These like families, these kids are lying in the rubble for sometimes five, six days, and they all keep telling this one story about a man in white who would bring them milk and bring them water and bring them food. And we're talking about these are stories that are coming from hundreds of miles from each other and they're all saying the same thing. And so what happened is, when the relief effort came in and people started to tell those stories and share those stories with the relief effort, they would start to ask the people that were doing the work Are you people of the Messiah? The echo that was kind of happening through that entire region during that season was looking for people of the Messiah.
Speaker 1:That came up two more times right, yes.
Speaker 1:That came up on the Kate episode where we had our mission pastor from our church, don Ellsworth, and we commissioned a young lady to go to the Middle East right From our church. We did it on the podcast. Of course we did it separate from the podcast with the church as well. But we asked her because of her knowledge of Muslim background, believers in the Islamic faith and we just said, okay, man in white, what's the significance of white right? And she nailed that. And then we used to talk to the people of Messiah. She nailed that and, by the way, kate's episodes are most popular ever and it's kind of not even close. If you have a chance to listen to hers, it was from September 13th, sending Kate to the unreached. That is a wise woman, goodness, unbelievable, racious. Yes, you should definitely listen to that one.
Speaker 1:Kate came up in the last episode we did to skip ahead with Operation Christmas Child and Samaritan's Purse. The man in white is showing up so often now in the Middle East that workers are starting conversations with people by asking them oh, clint, nice to meet you, have you seen the man in white Like? It's so regular right now that most people, I think have like, or at least a significant percentage. That. That's kind of the start. But even if they haven't maybe had their own personal, they've heard about it.
Speaker 2:And, guys, let's just take a second and, like, Address the skepticism that you have as you're listening to us say this. We experience the same amount of skepticism. I think that you are you yourself in hearing this. You're like, okay, but yeah, but really. But, guys, time after time after time, we are seeing God show up for people in their moment of need and show up for people to identify them as people who need Love, who need to be cared for and who ultimately, need the presence of Jesus in their life, and that is the God that we serve. That's what we should expect to see. I think we've become so Mundane in our faith that we don't expect to see God do incredible things, and one of the reasons this podcast exists is so that we can tell the supernatural stories of God at work Through the men and women that he is called to reach the unreached.
Speaker 1:No doubt about it. I got to go next to Peter Swan. Oh, and what am I saying? South Sudan. And you know, peter is a missionary that I got introduced to Through a guy named John McEwen who was in my first discipleship group that I led years ago after I was discipled by pastor Brad, and John said you got to meet this guy, we've been supporting him as a family and I met him and I mean it's changed my life. I we've got to partner with Peter and his family ever since.
Speaker 1:But anyway, he's telling this story about how the the work in South Sudan. He had been there for a long time and the believers in his tribe were troubled, they were bothered, and he's sitting down under a tree and he said what's going on? And they're talking about acts 1a. Remember that, yep. And so acts 1a. I'll just read it to you again you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses telling people about me Everywhere in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, into the ends of the earth.
Speaker 1:And they were wrestling with that and they were like but Peter, we have no means of Transportation beyond what is our Jerusalem, here in our tribe, and maybe you know, we can walk to the neighboring tribes, but we can't go Across the state, much less across the country and certainly not across the world. We don't have a way to get there. So how do we be obedient to Jesus? And Peter says let's pray about it. Let's pray about it, you know.
Speaker 1:And he says, brings up an airplane in the prayer. And then they're like well, how are we gonna get an airplane? We've seen God provide airplanes for other people, kind of referencing people like where you came from, right, but not for us. And then, lo and behold, peter gets his Pilates license. You talk about Psalms and like praying, yes, knowing God's going to answer the prayer, and then even thanking him in that prayer that he's gonna answer the prayer. Like he gets his Pilates license in anticipation of somebody giving them a plane. And then it happens. It happens they get a plane and now they have two planes and he's flying his tribal Christian Christ following people to Neighboring tribes further out to share the gospel Yep, come on.
Speaker 2:It's incredible. That was one of my favorite stories and one of my favorite episodes from season one. Also, the fact that it was the episode was called Snakes and a Plains so good Made me really happy too so good.
Speaker 2:We like to have fun around here, too. We tell good stories, but we like to have fun. So one of the things that was I mentioned this earlier in the episode about how there are different tribes and tongues that don't have the Bible translated into their language. Well, dustin alluded towards, in the history of the world, we've never had the technology that we currently have. So we had an incredible episode with some of our friends from SRG strategic resource group where they shared about how they are using technology AI. If AI is actually helping them translate scripture into languages where the Bible has never existed before, that's right. Which that is, guys. If that doesn't get you excited, that is one of the coolest things.
Speaker 1:I've heard this year and the number of languages that are going to be translated over the next few years, because now they can do many languages at once, because they have the technology right and instead of one guy laboring for years to write it all out himself, now he gets sheets and sheets a day to read through and edit and make sure that it's, you know, not jargon or slang, but it's honoring the word Hyperdrive.
Speaker 2:Absolute hyperdrive. Absolutely. That was one of the moments for me looking back. You know the intro to the show. We talk about the 7000 unreached people groups. Dustin, I talk about this all the time. We want this podcast, we want you listening to this podcast to be a part of changing that number. We want next year to be like guys we got 6,000 unreached people groups.
Speaker 1:Oh, come on.
Speaker 2:We knocked out 1,000 unreached people groups. We got Bibles translated into language. We got missionaries in the mission field. We got organizations who are partnering with each other to go and reach these unreached the local churches is alive and thriving these environments. Now the number 6,000.
Speaker 1:Like I think we can do-. The number seven is a very important and very beautiful number of perfection, but in this particular instance, I'm over it, yeah let's get it there.
Speaker 2:I'm over it.
Speaker 1:I'm ready for the sixes and the fives and the fours, and let's get this thing moving.
Speaker 2:Let's take it down, no doubt Speaking of which we had an incredible event that Dustin and I got an opportunity to be a part of At the end of the year. He talked about Bless Foundation at the beginning of the episode. Bless Foundation hosts the Light the World event at the historic Austin City Limits in Austin, texas every single year. It is a game-changing event and talking about getting the number down from 7 to 6 to 5. This is one of the rooms where I am confident God is using to make that happen, no doubt.
Speaker 1:No doubt, yeah, light the World. So that was our seventh annual. It's our big night of the year. It's our big fundraising event for Bless. It's also kind of our big celebration of just all that God's done that year. We have missionaries and mission-sending organization representatives from all over the nation and the world that fly in along with our what we call our resource partners. So our resource partners and our mission partners are together. We get to pray, we get to fellowship and then we get to talk about what, you know what God's got on our heart for the next year and years.
Speaker 1:And you know King David in assembly. If you go back to the Chronicles, he says Look, I've gathered everything that's needed to build the temple, but because of my devotion to the Lord, I'm going to give all my personal treasure as well. And then he says Now, who will join me? And the Bible says that everyone willingly gave. And then they rejoiced. And that is what Light the World is. Light the World is a group of hundreds of people that come together to pool resources, to vet projects, to leverage our gifts and our skill sets and do the job better together than we would. A part right the. The hole is greater than the sum of the parts at Light the World, and it is such a cool night. I wish everybody could experience it and if you haven't, I strongly recommend that you find a way to get a ticket and get at a table next year.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's just amazing. So, looking ahead, season two starts now. We have an entire year's worth of content that we cannot wait to share with you guys, and not only content that's fresh and new, but we're also going to go and we're going to update some of the stories from season one. We're going to go and have some conversations and bring back some friends and hear about what God's been doing in their ministry and in their life and their family and their tribes over this last year. So we're so excited about that.
Speaker 2:But this is what we want you to go and experience with us. This is where we're heading. We want you to walk the streets of Ukraine while you're walking on the treadmill and listening to the show. We want you to drive the dusty roads of Africa while you're on your commute, while you get a chance to listen to this show. And so our request for you, our invitation, is for you to join us on this incredible journey. We are committed to capturing the most compelling stories from around the world, and so our ask for you is this would you commit to stamping your passport every other week and listen into the podcast, joining us to hear these stories of God at work, and I truly believe that if you would allow him to, you will become informed, you will be inspired and, god willing, you'll be engaged into action in this next year as you join us to hear these stories of God at work with the most unreached people groups in the world.
Speaker 1:And, by the way, don't keep it a secret right? Your faith is maybe personal, but it's never private, right? So you know it burns in our bones. Let the light shine. Yes, let's get the word out. I mean, these stories deserve to be told.
Speaker 2:I totally agree.
Speaker 1:It's not about us, it's about the stories, it's about what God's up to and it's the fact that, despite our best effort, in a 20, 30 minute sermon one day a week, we can't tell all these stories right? There has to be another platform for it. Let's honor this work, let's honor what God's doing, let's listen in, let's pray with them, let's pray for them, right? If we feel moved or compelled to get involved in a deeper way and get in the game, you know what we've been saying all year get in the game, then do so. And if you're looking for direction and you're looking for accountability and you're looking for opportunity unreachedpodcastgmailcom right Shoot us a note. We would love to pray with you and engage with you and find a way to get involved in a more compelling and just enriching way for your life.
Speaker 2:You know one of my favorite things about this podcast over this last year is how we end every episode. When we have someone who is serving a specific people group, they will pray in that language. And now I'm sure some of you guys have probably heard somebody pray in a foreign language or something like that before. But let me tell you straight up the very first time you ever will hear someone pray for you and want to key in is on this podcast.
Speaker 1:That's a fact.
Speaker 2:It's on this podcast and that's so compelling to me to hear the way that they prayed to the Lord in a language where that prayer has never been uttered before Just absolutely mind blowing. And so I want to end this.
Speaker 1:And it'll give you goosebumps. Oh, like listening and not even knowing for sure, but like that, when it still works.
Speaker 2:Man. It's compelling. It is. I want to pray for you, our listener, as you walk into this next year, that God will allow you to be bold in your faith, that God would inspire you to know more of Him, that God would expound upon His greatness in your life, that you would be able to see God at work in this next year. So, if you would just allow me to pray for you now, god, we put our trust and our hope in you, a God who never fails and never leaves us.
Speaker 2:And God as we pray to you in our heart language right now, we are so thankful that there are brand new prayers being prayed to you, a holy God, in a brand new heart language, because of the work that you are doing.
Speaker 2:God, thank you that we get to be a part of seeing your kingdom come and your will be done. And so, god, we lift up not only the missionaries around the world that you've called to go and minister and do this incredible work, but, god, we lift up our friends who are listening to this right now, that you would be with them in the exact moment that they are in, that you would help them to put their trust completely and fully in you and in you alone, that they wouldn't lean on their own understanding but instead they would put their trust and their hope in you and God, I pray that you would inspire them, that you would help them to commit to learn more about the work that you're doing around the world this year. God, god, we love you and we pray in faith right now that we would see unreached peoples, hidden people, groups, come to faith and trust in Jesus Christ in this next year. God, we love you and we thank you In Jesus name. We pray Amen.
Speaker 1:And amen. Thank you for listening to Unreached. Our sincere desire is that what you've heard today will cause you to see the mission of God differently and you're rolling it more clearly. If this adds value for you and we hope it does would you please rate and review the podcast wherever you listen. Also, share with your family, your friends, your church, your life group, small group, d group, wherever you do life, and if you want to connect with us, find us on Instagram at unreachedpodcast, or email us at unreachedpodcastgmailcom.